Hello blogger people or something ... yeah.

Thanks for checking out my blog. I hope this will be a place where us outspoken and opinionated people will converse, debate, and encourage one another. It's my hope that wisdom, knowledge, and understanding will come from the conversations here. 
So ... welcome.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What's Wrong With America

I think my ultimate problem comes from my youthful ignorance that has been devastated by my new adult maturity. I mean, am I the only one that grew up in this great country actually believing it was a great country? I guess the real thing that has crushed my dreams and my little world has been learning that the people who run this country are adults. 


I mean, I always knew that adults were running the joint however I never realized how incompetent adults are ... a lot. So now I are one. I'm an adult. I do really dumb things on a fairly regular basis. I make dumb decisions and say dumb things. It happens.

What scares me is how it seems that I'm not alone. So why all this chatter about my ignorance? Well, because what's wrong with America is we have a bunch of adults who run it, and those adults act like children. That's right. Children.

For years now I have had the wits about me to realize how stupid we as a country are when it comes to our finances. And now I fear we are quickly coming to a day of reckoning. No, not your children and grand children and great grand children. YOU. You will pay for the dumb mistakes we as a country are making. YOU will pay for the dumb financial decisions YOU have made in YOUR personal finances. YOU were raised this way. 

You see, 80 years ago people didn't think like we do. They actually believed that you should earn a buck before you spend a buck. That's right! No plastic. And at some point that philosophy changed. It's no longer what Americans believe, in general. 

So the result. Well ... get ready America. A day of reckoning is coming. And that day could be tomorrow.

I end with this: As I begin this blog, I begin it with the words from my father. 

"Hey Josh, what did the market do today?" 

"Well dad, it dropped about 280 points. I think it's down to about 6600 or 6700. Somewhere around there."

And then he said it,


"I've worked my whole life, Josh. My whole damn life. That money in the market ... that's all I have. And those thieving sons of bitches that run the banks and companies and all of that ... they have ruined it for me."

He said this with tears in his eyes. 

"Don't worry dad. You've got 8 or 9 years before you were going to retire anyhow. It'll come back up."

But I knew that was an empty promise. Maybe it's right and true. Maybe it's not. All I know is, my dad has worked hard his whole life ... making a buck before spending a buck ... and this is how his country ... our country, has paid him back. With tears in his eyes. 

I'm sorry dad. Uncle Sam has failed you today. And I'm afraid he is failing us all. 

1 comment:

  1. There indeed is coming a day of reckoning. Somewhere along the way, Americans have been fooled in thinking they can sit on their butts and the government is going to pay their rent (or even mortgage!), their car payments, their credit card bills, their children's education, and put food on the table. They don't care that they are free-loading on people who are working for a living, and the government doesn't step in except to make the handouts bigger.
    Unfortunately the man 52% of the American people elected to be president is going to welfare and tax us right into poverty. He is leading us into the realm of socialism all the while playing pied-piper to people who refuse to pay attention or who are too apathetic to even care.

    And you are right about people getting used to the whole buy now, pay later ideals. Oh how we have screwed up! I hope and pray that if our country survives this - which hopefully God-willing, we will- we learn from our mistakes and start making smart decisions; whether it be how we manage our money, to who we elect to run our government.

    Good blog, Josh!
